JNS Launch at Masterton Primary School
Today we launched the beginning of the JNS programme at Masterton Primary School!!!
As the JNS Coordinator I attended the MPS school assembly to present the programme and what a great crowd of kids and teachers there were.
We have officially assigned two JNS Ambassadors for MPS who are; Alisha Walczak yr4 and Benjamin Wakefield yr4. They were presented their badges and tops and will represent JNS within their school while being mentored by myself and supported by the JNS Staff Liaison, Sue Smith.
What a great response too from the kids, they were very attentive and from this I hope we will only receive further nominations! Mrs Smith informed us today that there has already been one special nomination made.
I will be working with the ambassadors over the next couple of weeks setting JNS up at MPS within the classrooms while continuing to work in the surrounding local and business community to raise their awareness of JNS also.
If you wish to make a nomination please access our website mshcc.org.nz and enter JNS or; please see the Masterton Primary School office where the nomination forms and box is available.
We need your nominations to make it count for the kids that make it count!!